Fire risk analysis (quantification of the impact) Pre-processing Phase

Name of the Project Leader:

Prof. Brian J. Meacham - Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA)
e-mail address: place email address here
Please contact the Project leader if you wish to participate

Classification of the studied system:

6 story High-rise Hospital, with an atrium

Object of the Study:

horizontal evacuation of a patient room floor in a hospital

Building layout

CAD File
PDF File
Project Initiation Date: October 1st, 2012
Project Participants: Alberto Alvarez (Worcester Polytechnic Institute - USA, place email address here)
  Majed Almejmaj (Worcester Polytechnic Institute - USA, place email address here)

Description of the object of the 'test bed' study

Project 1 concerns the optimization of horizontal evacuation of a patient room floor in a high-rise general hospital, in case of a fire starting in a corridor of that floor.

The objectives related to Project 1 are to:

Alberto Alvarez - WPI (2012-10-01)